50 Computer Quiz Questions Answers | Latest Computer General Knowledge Quiz 2

1) Which type of ISDN is used for big data transfer?
Answer:  PRI (Primary Rate Interface)
2) What are the two types of signaling used in ISDN?
Answer:  DSS 1 and SS 7.
3) The unique feature of combining B channel is referred to as?
Answer:  Inverse multiplexing.
4) The device which translates signaling from non ISDN TE2 called?
Answer:  TA (Terminal Adapter)
5) In numeric pagers what type of messages can be received?
Answer:  Numeric type.
6) In operator assisted paging systems who act as a link between the calling party and the called party?
Answer: Operator.
7) What happens when a new message is identical to stored message?
Answer: A ‘Duplicate’ prompt.
8) What is the main disadvantage of PAGER?
Answer: It is only a one way communication system.
9) When was the first paging system used?
Answer:  In 1957.
10) Which type of paging system two parties are directly linked?
Answer:  Automatic paging system.
11) The term morphing comes from Greek word?
Answer:  Morphe.
12) When the number of frames in between two images increase the?
Answer:  Clarity of morphing increases.
13) What are the two types of morphing?
Answer:  Distortion and Transition morphing.
14) Which type is commonly used for advertisements in TV?
Answer:  Distortion morphing.
15) The first film which uses the morphing is?
Answer:  Willow.
16) The technique for 2D morphing comes from digital image processing and?
Answer:  Texture mapping.
17) Morphing process varies depending on whether the image is?
Answer:  2D dimensional or 3D dimensional.
18) Which algorithm is used as an initial image is stretched and deformed to conform to the shape of final image?
Answer: Digital image warping.
19) Specify a morph, the animator demonstrate correspondence with the _?
Answer:  Initial and final image.
20) Adobe photoshop has revolutionized the world of _?
Answer: computer graphics.
21) Photoshop was one of the first revolutions of _?
Answer:  Macintosh graphics programs.
22) How many channels are supported by photoshop?
Answer:  24 alpha channels.
23) How many layers are supported by photoshop?
Answer: 99 independent layers.
24) In photoshop using what format, that you can export images to other programs like adobe illustrator.
Answer:  Desktop color separation format.

Computer Quiz Bank 25 – 50

25) Adobe photoshop recommends that a minimum system is _?
Answer:  Intel 1386, 1486, or Pentium processors.
26) For photoshop to run all operations smoothly, it requires?
Answer:  24 bit video card.
27) Flat bed scanners use _?
Answer:  CCD’s or charge coupled device as photoreceptors.
28) What were among the first input devices to hit the computer graphics world?
Answer:  Video digitalizers.
29) Photoshop is a _?
Answer:  Electronic dark room.
30) When and where was the origin of Computer Graphics?
Answer:  In 1940’s in the US department of Defence.
 31) The sophisticated and impressive use of computer graphics is the production of images that can be manipulated in three dimensions. This technique is called?
Answer:  3D Animation.
32) Which computer is used for computer graphics imaging?
Answer: Silicon computer.
33) The technique with which the objects in a 3D environment were created by digitalization is called?
Answer:  Modelled Animation Techniques (MAT)
34) Which technique is used to transform the shape of an object?
Answer: Linear Interpolation Techniques.
35) The menu which is used for pointing to the selection of colors is called?
Answer: Palette.
36) Which are the two types of coloring algorithms used in animation?
Answer:  Region filling algorithm and Polygon filling algorithm.
37) Which algorithm works much faster?
Answer:  Region filling algorithm.
38) The most difficult problems in three dimensional computer generated are?
Answer:  Synchronization and parallelism.
39) Which is the biggest annoyance in computer generated modeling?
Answer:  Aliasing.
40) What is the reason for aliasing problem?
Answer:  Low resolution.
41) What is Robotics?
Answer:  The scientific study of robot.
42) Who is considered as the father of industrial robot?
Answer:  Joseph Engelberger.
43) Who holds the patent for the first industrial robot?
Answer:  George Devol.
44) What are the three major components of a robot?
Answer:  Manipulator, Brain, Power supply.
45) Which part controls the movement of robots hand?
Answer:  Manipulator.
46) What is the purpose of a computer in a robot system?
Answer:  As its controller.
47) What are the hardwares essential in a computer controlled robot?
Answer:  Memory, CPU, A/D and D/A converters.
48) Give one example for a computer programming language that can be used for robot programming?
Answer:  AML (A Manufacturing Language)
49) What is flexible manufacturing system (FMS) or computerized manufacturing system?
A combination of CAD/CAM & Robotics)

50) What is the major disadvantage of using a robot?
Heavy investment.

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